How to write engaging Instagram captions

Instagram. It’s a busy platform. With more and more users bringing their A game when it comes to sharing strong imagery, it can be difficult to stand out and get noticed. It’s easy to get lost in a sea of beautiful images, as users scroll through their Instagram feeds. Whilst it’s definitely true that the image you share is what initially makes your ideal client pause mid-scroll, it’s your caption that has to win them over if you want them to click that elusive ‘more’ button and read your entire post. If sharing the right image will help you catch your reader’s attention, how can you write the perfect caption to encourage them to read on?

What’s your intention?

This step comes first with any content that you’re creating, not just social media posts. Think about the purpose of your post. Why are you writing and what action do you want your audience to take as a result? Are you selling a product or service? Trying to get sign ups for your newsletter? Increase your likes or shares? Ramp up awareness of your brand? Direct people to your website? You need to get clear on the reasons behind your posts and try and have an outcome already in mind before you post.

Think about your hook

What’s the reason that someone is going to stop scrolling when they see your post? Go back to basics here and think about your ideal client and what’s important to them right now. What pain point is your post addressing for them? You need to make your audience feel as if they can’t afford not to stop and hear what you’re saying. If you keep your content relevant to your ideal client, they’ll want to stop and hear what you’ve got to say. Once you’ve found your hook, make sure you include that at the start of your copy and your ideal client won’t just scroll on by.

Important information comes first

It might sound obvious, but you’d be amazed at how many Instagram posts fail to do this. If it’s important information, it needs to come right at the start of your post. You do not want all the important stuff to come after that cut off point of ‘read more’. You don’t get much more than a single sentence before Instagram cuts your text off, so make it count. It really is a rooky error and one that’s easily avoided.

Ask a question

Asking a question right at the start of your post is a great way to engage your audience from the off. Using a question makes the reader feel as though you are talking directly to them and helps them to engage with your content. Given that we’ve just had Christmas and it’s the start of the year, a great example would be something like: ‘What are your goals for 2022?’ or ‘Have you done all your Christmas shopping yet?’ More general options could be things like ‘What do you think of ….’ or ‘What are you favourite …’

Include an emoji

Love them or hate them, emoji’s offer a great way to connect with your audience. They’re visual and usually give people a good idea of what your post is about as a glance (e.g. a Christmas tree signals a festive post or a $ for a sale or an offer). Personally, I love using an emoji and I think they’re a great way to add a bit of personality and humour to your posts too.

Don’t overthink it

When it comes to writing captions, less is more. Don’t try and cram in too much detail or make things overly complicated. Short, simple and to the point is the way to go. Write in the first person, as this will ensure that you are speaking directly to your reader, avoid repetition, overly complicated words and business jargon. As always, make sure you check your spelling and grammar and read your content out loud before you post. You’d be amazed at how easy it is to pick up any errors that way.

Keep it authentic

Finally, keep your captions authentic and in keeping with your brand voice. Your reader will respond to content that makes them feel connected to your brand and sharing the ‘real’ you will always lead to your audience engaging with you and wanting to know more. You don’t have to make your captions ‘gimmicky’ or ‘flashy’. Just write in your usual style and keep it real. That’s what will keep your reader truly connecting with your content.

Instagram is a fantastic resource for showcasing your business and engaging with your target audience and if you can nail your imagery and your captions then you should be heading in the right direction to make the most out of the platform. If you’re looking for further advice on how to craft the perfect content for your brand’s social media campaigns, take a look at my previous blog posts: ‘8 Social media content ideas for when your feeling stuck and ‘How to use social media to connect with your audience for advice. If you’re still feeling overwhelmed when it comes to creating content for socials, feel free to drop me a message or book in for a free discovery call to see how I can help.

Julie Haworth