Is it time to rename your blog page?
If you’re a regular reader of my blog, you’ll know that I’m a huge advocate of blogging. Blogging regularly is one of the single most effective marketing tools that you can use to grow your business. It’s great for SEO, it establishes you as a topic authority in your industry and it provides you with content you can repurpose to use on social media or in email newsletters. If your business doesn’t currently have a blog, it’s something that you should really consider getting started with and if you want to read more about the benefits blogging can bring to your business, have a read of my recent blog post, Is your business blogging? Given that blogging can be such a powerful way to grow your business, should you be thinking of renaming your blog page to make it a more enticing place for readers to visit?
It’s all in a name
Let’s face it, if you’re using the word ‘Blog’ on the homepage of your website navigation menu, it’s not exactly thrilling, is it? When I say the word ‘blog’ to you, what image does that conjure up for you? Is it a page on a company’s website that you’d be desperate to visit? What would you expect to see there? Pages and pages of articles that might not be relevant to you? Lengthy pieces of potentially dull content which you don’t want to invest time looking at? What if I renamed my blog page ‘Copywriting Tips’? (which I’ve actually done by the way). How does that make you feel? Intrigued? Interested? More likely to think it’s a page full of helpful content that could be useful for you business? I’m betting the answer is yes. Would you be more likely to visit my blog page and spend some time checking out the content? I’m betting the answer is yes again. The whole point of a blog is that you’re providing your ideal client with useful content that addresses their pain points, so why not make that obvious to them in the title of the page? It’s a no brainer really. Once you’ve made the decision to rename your blog page, what’s the best way to come up with the perfect name…
Questions to ask yourself
Before you start coming up with names for your rebranded blog page, have a think about who your target audience is. What are the aims of your blog? What kind of tone of voice and writing style do you use? You need to decide on a name that will speak to your ideal client and reflect your brand voice and personality. It’s also worth taking a look at the blog pages of other businesses in your industry. How are they implementing their blogging strategy? Ideally you want to decide on a name that will adapt and grow with your business, you don’t want to have to keep renaming your blog as your business evolves.
Think about keywords
Brainstorming words that are linked with your industry can be a great way to start. Your blog name should match up with your brand values and the niche that you are representing in your industry and give your readers an idea of what to expect when they visit the page. Read articles, blog posts, look at websites related to your industry and start brainstorming a list of words. You may find that something leaps out at you quickly and sparks an idea. Make use of dictionaries, thesauruses and online name generators. Think about whether there’s a popular saying or play on words that you can make use of e.g. Turn The Page for a book blog. You might be able to use your own name somehow e.g. Ellie’s Exercise Tips or make use of alliteration e.g. Homestyle Hacks or Industry Inspo. Put your thinking cap on and get creative. Try and avoid going for generic names like ‘News’ or ‘Updates’ to make your blog stand out from the crowd.
Don’t overcomplicate things
Whilst being creative is great, try not to make things too whacky or confusing for your audience. You still want your reader to be clear that it’s a blog page they’re visiting and, if that isn’t obvious from the title, you may find that you lose readers as a result. Try and keep your blog name short and catchy, anything too long will clutter up your website’s navigation menu and put readers off. Use your blog name to make it clear to your audience that visiting your blog page is going to add value to their business. If you’re still feeling stuck for ideas, take a break and revisit your brainstorming session later. Sometimes inspiration for the perfect name can strike when you least expect it!
If you’re looking to get started with a blog for your small business, take a look at my Services page to see how I can help. I’m currently offering a special blog package price, which you can find out more about here. If you’re not looking to outsource your blog writing but would like some help getting started, take a look at my Content Clarity Calls which will help to get you started with blogging. I’m also now offering an in-person option for these sessions, as well as providing them over Zoom. If there’s anything I can help you with when it comes to blogging for your business drop me a message, I’d love to hear from you!