6 Ways To Improve Your Landing Page Conversions
You’ve invested your time creating the perfect landing page for your brand, congratulations! But why aren’t those website clicks converting into customers? What’s gone wrong? And, more importantly, how can you convert those visits to your landing page into sales?
1. Speak to your ideal client
When you’re creating content for your landing page, think about what’s important to your ideal client right now. What questions and concerns do they have? How are you providing a solution to their problems? Get inside their heads. Make sure that the language you use and your tone of voice is going to resonant and connect with them. If finding your brand voice is something that you’re struggling with, check out my recent blog post ‘5 Tips for finding your brand voice.’
2. Don’t overwhelm your audience
When creating your landing page make sure that you don’t overwhelm your audience with too much information. You may feel as though you need to cram everything on the page to help get your message across but presenting your reader with too much information is likely to overload them and they’ll be put off. Just think about exactly what you need to say to move them on to the next stage in the customer journey and provide them with exactly that. The key is balance. Don’t say too little and don’t say too much.
3. Use a headline that leads to action
A good headline is the hook that’s going to attract potential customers and make them decide if they want to read on, so it’s important to get this right. Make sure your headline is clear, explanatory and relevant. Does it let your reader know what they can expect from the page and what benefit they’ll get from reading on? Your headline is going to be read much more frequently than the rest of the text on your landing page, so make sure you get it spot on!
4. Make it worth their while
We all like to be tempted and being super clear about exactly what benefit you’re offering to your reader from the off is a great way to encourage people to take action. Working these benefits into your headline and the first few sentences of your page is always going to encourage people to read on and take action. Perhaps you’re offering a free lead magnet? Maybe a downloadable resource or a free webinar? If you are then shout about it!! Your audience will love content that is helpful and going to be of use to them and using a lead magnet can be a great way to convert those clicks into leads.
5. Have a clear call to action
Make it obvious to your reader what action you’d like them to take next. Is it subscribing to your email newsletter, making a purchase or signing up for a new course you’re running? Think carefully about how and where you’re going to place your call to action. Will you have a pop-up banner or button? A link in the text itself? Will it appear at the end of your landing page or be sprinkled throughout the copy? Remember to make is as simple as possible for the reader to take the desired action. The fewer clicks they need to make, the more likely they are to act. If you need a bit of help crafting the perfect call to action, take a look at my previous blog post ‘How to write the perfect call to action.’
6. Look at your insights
Don’t forget to make use of your insights to check how your landing page is performing. Are you seeing any patterns or trends? Is there anything obvious that you can do to improve how your page is doing? Don’t be afraid to change and refine your landing page if you don’t feel that it’s performing as well as it should be. Tweaking and improving your page where necessary will help you to get the best performance you possibly can from it.
If you’re still feeling a little stuck when it comes to creating copy for your landing page, I can help. Feel free to drop me an email to book a free discovery call so I can help support your business in creating copy that connects.