8 social media content ideas for when you’re feeling stuck

Coming up with great content ideas for social media can sometimes feel like a burden for many business owners. Don’t get me wrong, social media provides a fantastic platform for businesses to connect and engage with their ideal clients but coming up with content to post each week can feel like a lot. If you’ve ever felt that sense of overwhelm when it comes to social media (and I’m guessing most of us have at some point, right?) I’ve put together eight content ideas to help get you started.

Share a video or reel

It’s official. Sharing video content creates great engagement levels. I’ve taken a bit of a leap of faith recently and started sharing some video content on Instagram which really is out of my comfort zone! Do you know what though? I’ve had some amazing feedback whenever I’ve posted a video. If I’m totally honest, and I always try to be, it’s something that I felt quite apprehensive about doing at first. Talking into the camera feels a little scary but, rather amazingly, I’ve found that the more I’ve done it, the easier it has become. Sharing videos and reels doesn’t have to put the spotlight on you though, you could share a video of a product being created or packed or give a tour around your office. Put your thinking cap on and see what ideas you can come up with. The sky really is the limit when it comes to creating video content.


Share helpful tips

People LOVE helpful content and sharing tips and tricks is a great way to provide your audience with content that is useful to them. If you follow on me on Instagram, you’ll know that this is something I’m a big fan of and I do it a lot on my own feed. If you share something that’s helpful, users will often save your post to revisit in the future and it might even lead to them visiting your website to find out more. Why not give me a follow on Instagram to find out all my latest copywriting tips and tricks?

Write a blog post

Sharing a blog post is a great way to drive traffic to your website and help establish yourself as a topic authority in your field. Writing a blog post also provides you with some great longer form content that you can repurpose for a newsletter or even turn into another four or five social media posts at a later date. If you want to find out more about the benefits of blogging for your business, check out my recent blog post on the subject Is your business blogging? Or find out more about my blogging Content Clarity Call here.

Run a competition or giveaway

Who doesn’t love the chance to win something? Running a giveaway provides a great opportunity to increase your audience too if you ask users to share your post or tag a friend in order to enter. If you’re a product based business, you’ll probably have the perfect prize already in mind but, if you’re services based, have a think about what you could offer. Depending on the nature of your business, something like a free consultation or power hour can work well. Make sure you’re well versed on the legal requirements of sharing any competitions before you go ahead.


Share Client feedback

If you’ve got testimonials from some of your lovely clients, get sharing!! Sharing testimonials is a great way to build confidence in your brand and let your audience know all about just how fantastic it is to work with you. Make a habit of asking for testimonials when you’re working with clients, it doesn’t have to be anything onerous, just a couple of sentences that you can share on socials, and you can start building a collection of testimonials that are ready to go!

Take a look behind the scenes

Behind the scenes posts are another firm favourite of mine and they always perform SO well on socials. People love to find out more about the real you and go behind the scenes of your brand. You could share an image of your office, your employees, your products being created or even just something as simple as your morning coffee break. There are SO many options here, get creative and think about what you could share with your audience.

Share photos of your products

If you’re a product based business, this is a great one for you. Sharing photos of your products can really help to spark engagement levels on social media and create interest in your products. There are so many options for creating content with product photography and experimenting with product flat lay shots is a great way to start. If you’re new to product photography, check out some of the fantastic tips from Essex based photographer Hiral Jethwa on her website and take a look at her recent blog post Why Hire a Product Stylist?


Share an inspirational quote

I absolutely love these kind of posts on socials. We all need a bit of positivity in our lives at times and nothing puts a smile on my face like spotting an uplifting quote when I’m scrolling through my social media feeds. Sharing these kind of interesting or insightful quotes really can help to surround your brand in positivity and make your audience smile. Check out Shelley Bosworth Coaching on Instagram to see a great example of just how powerful sharing this kind of content can be.

And finally…

Whatever social media platform you’re posting to, make sure that you check out your insights to see how well your posts are performing. Regularly looking at your insights can really help to show you what type of content is connecting well with your audience and that will help you decide which type of posts to focus your energies on. If you’re feeling as though you’d like some help and support with your content creation, feel free to drop me an email and we can have a chat. I’d love to hear from you!

Julie Haworth