Do I need a blog for SEO?

This is a question that I’m often asked and the answer is pretty simple … yes!!! If your website doesn’t have a blog or you haven’t updated your blog in a while you’ll definitely be receiving less traffic to your website than a business that blogs regularly. Fact.

Having a blog is beneficial for your search engine optimisation (SEO) because it can help to improve your website’s ranking on search engines like Google. A blog provides a platform for creating fresh, relevant and keyword-rich content that can help improve your website’s ranking. Additionally, a blog can help to increase the number of pages on your website, which can also improve your search engine ranking.

Let’s look at the research …

A recent study in 2022 by BlogHubSpot, found that 56% of consumers made a purchase from a company after reading their blog and 10% of marketers said blogging represents the biggest return on their investment. Wow. That’s pretty huge. Blog SEO really is something that all small business owners should be investing in for their brand.

Be in it for the long game

When you first write a blog post, chances are people aren’t going to see it, but Google will start to crawl your website, find that blog post and put it into their database, that database will then decide what they’re going to show users in search results.

If you just post that one blog, it’ll float around in cyberspace and unfortunately nothing will really happen. But (and this is the important part!) the idea is that then you’ll post another blog and then another one and then another. The more you post, the more Google will start to understand what your content is about, who you’re writing for and from there they’ll start to show your content higher up in their search results. Success won’t happen overnight but if you keep blogging regularly (and I’d say once a month is enough) you’ll soon be on to a wining formula.

Do your research

For any blog post you’re writing, remember to do your research and include relevant keywords and phrases. Blogging is great as it can help you to create content that is richer in keywords than other pages on your site, which can help to improve your organic click rate. Using internal links in your blog posts will also make it easier for your audience to find your content and help search engine crawlers to navigate your site’s structure.

Part of your overall strategy

In order to see the maximum benefit, your blog should be a part of a comprehensive SEO strategy that includes keyword research, on-page optimisation, backlinks and other techniques. It’s also important to regularly update your blog with high-quality, useful content in order to keep your website relevant and appealing to both search engines and users.

If you need a helping hand creating a blog for your business, why not book in for a free, no-obligation discover call to see how I can help. There are lots of ways to work with me, ranging from fully outsourced blog writing services, to power hours and editing services. Take a look at my Services page for more details or drop me an email to book a free call. I’d love to hear from you.

Julie Haworth